The Men of St. Joseph meet every Wednesday morning from 6:30 - 7:30 am in the Parish Office Conference Room.
The Men of St. Joseph is an association of Christian men, united under the Catholic Church, who meet weekly to pray together and encourage each other to be the spiritual leaders of their families. The purpose of the Men of St. Joseph is to instill holiness in men and facilitate spiritual leadership in family and community life.
What a different world it would be if more men dedicated themselves to holiness and embraced their role as their family’s spiritual leader. What if your parish and community were full of men like this?
When a man chooses to "put the family in the hands of the Father," he is not only seeking holiness for himself and his family, but also his larger family, his friends, parish and community. The Men of St. Joseph recognizes that men can use a little help in this undertaking. Who better to look to than Jesus Christ, our Lord? And, who better to journey with, than the other men of our parish?
Men of St. Joseph offers a weekly opportunity for men to gather for group prayer. To assist in prayer, we use the Morning, or Evening Prayers, from the monthly Magnificat magazine, or similar prayers.
Additionally, we seek to know what Christ asks of us, by reading and discussing the upcoming Sunday Gospel reading.
Further, we reserve one meeting per month to discuss topics of the Catholic faith that are of interest to the group.
Our hope, is that participation in the Men of St. Joseph meetings will lead to invigorated spiritual lives of Catholic men, and by their positive influence, to that of our families, friends and co-workers.Ultimately, the determination to help you and your family grow in faith starts with a decision. If you are willing to "put the family in the hands of the Father" please make a decision to join us. We welcome your involvement and leadership. In the end, it may be one of the most important decisions you ever make. After all, what's more important than helping you and your family get to Heaven?
We also realize that, in addition to family spiritual leadership, the Church and our culture is in real need of authentically Catholic men to take leadership roles and to serve as positive role models. It needs men to become actively engaged in the Church's call for a New Evangelization and to be Christian witnesses in our increasingly secularized world.
For more information about St. Catherine of Siena's Men of St. Joseph Group, please contact: Harry Hardin or Don Engler.