Airport Hilton Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana
Fr. William Farge, SJ | Fr. Patrick Mary Russell, MFVA | Fr. James Martin Nobles, O.P.
The weekend begins with 7:00 PM Opening Mass and concludes with Sunday Mass at 10:00 am. Attendees will spend the weekend Adoring and Loving Jesus Christ in the overall context of The Jubilee Year. This is truly a Weekend of Prayer! Mass each day, Confessions, Adoration, Holy Hours! Participants must register in advance, by mailing this form.
“It is like stepping into Heaven for the weekend!” - quote from past participant.
A Spiritual Journey with St. Ignatius of Loyola
Lord, Teach Me To Pray is a three-part Ignatian prayer series developed to meet the desire for on-going spiritual growth; for an appropriate response to the call to holiness; and for a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. In facilitated faith-sharing prayer communities, the Lord, himself, teaches us to pray.
Praying Christian Virtues will introduce you to the meditative and contemplative way of prayer devised by St. Ignatius of Loyola, enabling you to further develop your prayer life. This 12 week program is facilitated in a group setting, meets for 2 hours once a week, and requires fifteen minutes of daily prayer on assigned scriptures. (No prerequisites)
This communal approach allows you to do the full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. You will pray for all the graces that are offered while experiencing the direction of the Holy Spirit through weekly Faith Sharing on your daily prayer. This 30 week program is facilitated in a group setting, meets for 2 hours once a week, and requires thirty to forty-five minutes of daily prayer on assigned scriptures. (Part 1 is a prerequisite.)
Through catechesis on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, praying St. Ignatius’ Rules of Discernment, and weekly Faith Sharing on your daily prayer, you will experience the grace of growing in sensitivity to God’s presence, enabling you to become more responsive to His daily call. (Parts 1 and 2 are prerequisites.)
For more information or to register, contact: Karen Babbitt.