When Fr. Ronnie Calkins and Fr. Tim Hedrick were assigned to St. Catherine of Siena Parish in July of 2014, they hosted 40+ coffees with over 800 parishioners attending. The purpose of these coffees was to allow parishioners to get to know the new priests and the new priests to get to know the parishioners. At each coffee, three questions were asked: What is St. Catherine of Siena known for in the community? What is St. Catherine of Siena doing that we could do better? What are your hopes and dreams for the future of St. Catherine of Siena?
One of the dreams that surfaced at the coffees was the dream of green space on campus. Given that our campus was land-locked, the dream was a long-shot. After many years, however, the dream of green space became a possibility.
In the summer of 2019, St. Catherine of Siena took out a loan and purchased the Shiloh Manor apartment complex adjacent to the school on Codifer Boulevard. In the fall of 2019, part of the parking lot adjacent to the Shiloh Manor was also purchased. The existing structures has been demolished and the site prepared for the installation of the field. In November of 2019, the SCS: Field of Dream Capital Campaign kicked off. The goal of the campaign is to raise $2.75 million. (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD CAPITAL CAMPAIGN BROCHURE)
In 2021, the Capital Campaign successfully exceeded the goal and raised $2.82 million. During the summer of 2021, the articifial turf field was installed. Thank you to everyone who made this dream a reality!
On Friday, October 29, 2021, Archbishop Gregory Aymond blessed Gator Field.
Apartment Complex Before Demolition